We had another annual Kids Ice Fishing Day with the Yahara Fishing Club at Brittingham Park on Monona Bay yesterday. I went out in the fog to get ready to assist with the ice fishing and when my friend joined me, he said that we weren't advising families to come out. The deputy had visited and asked that we do that so we willingly agreed. There was a lot of open water from the outlet extending all along the shelter house where we stage. I was planning to set up a Clam Garage 8 x 14 on ice, opened up but with the possibility of rain it might have concentrated people. Ten people averaging 200 pounds would be a ton and the Bigfoot XL6000T could probably fit at least double that which would equal the weight of a car. Always erring on the side of caution is required for events so it will be a great raffle prize for out fundraiser is February. Fishing was pretty good with a variety of sized bluegills and no issues with ice conditions were noticed other than having to walk through six inches of water on the ice at the access. We still gave out well over 100 rods, depthfinders and buckets along with plenty of hot dogs and cocoa for everyone. A fair amount of raffle tickets and memberships were sold so it still was a worthwhile event for our club.